“No” can be one of those words that people are afraid to use.
As leaders, it’s up to you to be thinking about what is the highest and best use of your time. Your day can so easily fill with the onslaught of requests, demands, and issues. Not to mention time needed to reflect, think and build. If you don’t create boundaries that protect your time, you can end up getting many small things done, but do nothing great – to the dismay of not only yourself but everyone around you. So, make saying “no” part of your success.
“No” can be one of those words that people are afraid to use. But here’s a secret, it can create a helpful and healthy boundary for you and for others. Think about how you can use the power of “no” to help create what you need rather than react to what you do not like. A clear “no” creates safety by helping you and others know what to expect – no wishy washy response! A solid “no” helps you relate to others by being authentic about what is important to you and lets you stay in connection with them. A forceful “no” defines what you are willing to do and not do, and signals to others how they can participate. “No” creates clarity for you and others about what is important. It’s not a 4-letter word. It’s not mean. It’s not selfish.
Boundaries are a way to let people in, not keep people out and are essential to healthy relationships. We explore this mindset in our upcoming book, Humanity Works Better, and apply it in our 5 Fundamental practices.
Be good to yourself. Practice setting boundaries. Notice when and how you use “no” – what works? What doesn’t? Refining this skill helps you bring your best self to the world.