Model of Our Programs >>
The HumanityWorks® model contains Five Practices linked to proven productivity outcomes that help drive business success:
These Five Practices put people first. They are the magic for success and drive unrealized business results.

HumanityWorks® Programs
Our HumanityWorks® programs are for you when how work gets done is as important as what work gets accomplished. Our programs are for organizations who realize a one-and-done approach to flavor-of-the-month training does not yield the type of long-term systemic change you need. Our programs are for you when you are serious about cultivating a culture where humanity works better.
Our Programs >>
HumanityWorks® Executive Pause
Leadership today requires navigating rapidly changing, dynamic environments. Old mental models of leadership are no longer effective. Circumstances are constantly evolving. Business needs, the people around you and you are all evolving. Leading this magnitude of change is daunting. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day franticness of it all. What is needed is a pause. Learn More >>
HumanityWorks® Influential Leader
This program is for emerging leaders at the Director and VP-level. This group feels the weight of responsibility. Tasked with both strategic oversight and business execution, they are squeezed between delivering on vision set by the C-suite and the relentless demands to have teams executing at the highest levels. What’s needed is the ability to Influence up, out, across and deep into the organization. Learn More >>
HumanityWorks® Resilient Manager
This series will help these high-leverage humans to become more self-aware, more skillful in navigating their relationships with others and more conscious of their impact. For managers who need to up-level their capabilities, this series will focus on 3 of our 5 practices and all five skills to help them become more self-aware and more conscious of their impact so they will be more skillful in navigating relationships with others. Learn More >>

HumanityWorks® Online Program Companion to Our Book
This self-paced online program is designed to deepen your understanding of the skills, concepts, and practices in our book Humanity Works Better. It allows you to go through the learning with a small group of fellow-learners to integrate what you are learning in a cohort-style environment. Participants will dive into four key mindsets, learn our super pack of skills to be a good human, and apply each of our Five Practices into your experience. Each seat can be passed to concurrent users. And a subscription for each seat is for one year. It gives the organization the flexibility and agility to create a foundational understanding of these key concepts for new managers and leaders throughout the organization.
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Fully Customized to Your Needs
HumanityWorks® Services
Our services are for organizations who realize a one-and-done approach to flavor-of-the-month training does not yield the type of long-term systemic change you need. We offer common skills and language so that everyone is literally speaking the same language which accelerates the culture’s effectiveness. And, sometimes your circumstances are very unique. Here is how we can meet you there.
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Consulting (Strategic Advising)
Can you tell, we are passionate about humans, humanity and just being plain nice people. And, we have loads of experience.
So, not sure where to start? Contact us about:
- The Humans that make your work possible and how to uplift this discipline within your organization. Break the rules. Get those processes out of the way that don’t serve you. We can help you get real and make it right.
- CEO/Founders: Need to talk about what is working, what isn’t, what to hold onto and what to let go? We can provide thought-leadership to you to improve where you are looking and what you are doing.
Our coaching will help the individuals in your organization reach their potential. Our coaching focuses on having the client learn how to solve their own problems. We help folks move obstacles, real or perceived, out of the way. Through careful observation, listening, and summarizing, our coaches keep the client on course towards changes they choose to enact.
Differentiating beliefs that guide our coaching:
- When the individual is responsible for their growth, needed changes will happen.
- The individual is in charge of who they are becoming.
- Most people are familiar with what holds them back and want to be better.
Individual Coaching
Coaching can happen with anyone from individual contributors to the C-suite. We focus on how their leadership is emerging, what is getting in their way and how to move beyond it to be the leader they want to be. We introduce clients to concepts which can be applied immediately to real-world challenges. Our clients learn to look within themselves with curiosity and openness to uncover how to be more effective. Contact Us >>
Tandem Coaching
Useful when the top of the house or key leaders are creating roadblocks and confusion within the organization and need to literally “get on the same page.” Tandem coaching requires at least two participants and two HW coaches. Together we co-actively create awareness, choose how to move forward and support the courage needed to make those changes. Contact Us >>
Speaking, Keynotes, and Round Tables: Nothing worse than a terrible talk. We are passionate about the humans in your organization and will provide an interactive and fun talk (60-90 mins in length) that will give your audience practical tools that will help them be better humans and do better work! We will explore what exactly it means to have more humanity at work and why Humanity Works makes organizations better. Contact Us >>