Change happens all the time – you get to choose the right path forward.
Do you have whiplash yet? We went from the headlines being about how or if folks will return to the workplace (still TBD) to droves of articles and news stories about “the great resignation” – predictions that more than 40% of people globally are considering a job change. This has caused companies to question how to hold on to and recruit talent; and has caused people considering a move to question what to do. So, let’s take this on. In a two-part series will look first at those 40% considering a job change, followed, in the next newsletter, with a focus on what companies can do to hold on to their people and to attract more great talent.
So, what’s driving folks to consider a change? The short answer – they had time to think. While the pandemic was hard in so many ways, one of its gifts was life slowed down. It offered people time to be with their thoughts and ponder what is important, time to reflect, to dream and to plan. No surprise that this has ignited change. If you are inspired to change, here are a few things to consider:
1. Clarify what is important to you. When considering what you want, dig deep. Start with your WHY – this is where you ground your desire in your core values. Start by answering the question “what do I want?” When you have that answer, ask and answer “what’s important about that?” at least three more times. Resistance might pop up when you are doing this. That’s a great sign that you are pushing yourself past a comfort edge. Stay with it!
2. Define your outcome. When you are in an outcome-creating stance you act with the intention of creating the results you want. You are grounded in what matters and from the realm of possibility ask and answer these three questions:
- What do you envision as the best possible outcome for this situation?
- What excites you about that?
- What does that give you?
This step can get uncomfortable as you come face-to-face with practical realities of that very desire.
3. Explore your options. Circumstances are changing. Redefine what is needed, for you and for others. Be willing to revisit that what got you here may not be what is needed going forward. Here are some tips:
- Remain focused on your WHY yet detached from what that looks like. See what you discover!
- Consider mutual needs. When exploring possibilities with others, like your boss or folks at work, don’t make the conversation all about you. Consider the needs of the whole.
- Clear assumptions – yours and others. Our assumptions are not the truth – they’re your made-up realities – and they limit you. Clear them with open communication, listening deeply and curiosity.
4. Choose. This is your life. You have created consciousness around WHY this outcome is important to you. You have explored the options. Now you choose.
- You choose to stay. Many companies are rebuilding or growing. If there is a new opportunity you want for yourself – and it can be beneficial for the company – be bold and share your thoughts. This is a both/and outcome: you get to grow and stretch, and the needs of the company can be met.
- You choose to leave. When staying does not support your envisioned outcome, choosing to leave might be the best thing to do. First, if you make this choice, own it. Meaning, make the decision about you – not anyone or anyplace else. Second, figure out what’s not working in your current situation and get clear about what part of that is yours – own it. If you don’t figure out what your role is in the break-up, you just drag that baggage along with you and it will repeat itself. Work is hard; people are messy. And you are one of them. Deal with your stuff—don’t put it on others.
Change happens all the time. And in the midst of change, you get to choose the right path forward. The only thing you can control, is you.