What’s this all about? Tis the season, and we got so curious…what is the fascination with ugly sweaters? When we Googled “ugly sweaters” more than 22 million hits come up! Ugly sweaters can be found for just about anything –...
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You dread that moment when one of your people schedules a meeting to tell you that they have just accepted a job somewhere else. As a manager, you feel rejected, maybe even abandoned, and now have another problem on your...
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The huge challenges for leaders and managers over the last year have left organizations scrambling for solutions as employees scatter for better opportunites and working conditions. We'll be sharing the skills and strategies that inject some much needed humanity into...
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People do better work when they feel trusted. Do they know? Want to give a gift to your people this holiday season? Tell them you trust them. A lot of employers are grappling with the question of where work should...
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